Monthly Prayer Focus and Resources
August 2024:
21 Days of Prayer week 1 (Aug 18-Sept 8)
Following Vision Sunday where Pastor Brandon shared the vision for the coming year from Psalm 18:19, we’re asking you to join in prayer for 21 days. You’ll receive a text message with a scripture to read and a prayer prompt that will help direct your prayers. Join by scanning the QR code provided or by texting “21days” to this number, 19259408507 and use “21days”. Below are resources that can help you to continue to grow your prayer life during this Fall season:
Do you need prayer?
- Come to the Prayer Corner after worship.
- Fill out the Prayer and Care Requests card in the pew rack or submit your prayer request here.
- Call your deacon for prayer and care for any need.
- Ask to pray with anyone wearing a Prayer Ministry name tag.
- Participate in any of the prayer gatherings listed below.
Ways to participate in prayer at MVPC
Wednesday AM Prayer
8-9:15 am, in the Prayer Room to the right of the organ in the Sanctuary
Pray for each other and our church family and ministry, and pray confidentially for requests on the Sunday Prayer and Care Requests cards. All are welcome. (Currently, our meetings are online only, via Zoom. Contact Cheryl E to participate.)
ePrayer Team
Receive periodic emails of prayer inspiration and information on specific prayer needs for MVPC. Sign up by sending a request to Chris B.
National Day of Prayer
First Thursday in May.
For further information please contact:
Chris B
MVPC Prayer Ministry Coordinator