Christmas Offering
Date: December 28
Venue: MVPC
Each Christmas Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church donates the Christmas Offering to our Mission Partners. This year St. Mary’s InterVarsity and our international medical missionaries, The S Family, will receive the Christmas Offering.
Kathryn Magee is our local Mission Partner at St. Mary’s College InterVarsity. Kathryn will use the Christmas Offering to fund scholarships for St. Mary’s students to attend Urbana. Urbana is a life-changing student conference that invites you to give your whole life for God’s global mission. This is a full circle moment for Kathryn as she attended Urbana three years ago thanks to a scholarship from Moraga Valley Presbyterian. She decided to go into full time ministry thanks to attending Urbana.
The S Family are medical missionaries who are serving in a region where Christianity is under-represented. They are using their skills and background with their medical degrees to meet people and introduce them to Jesus.
Please pray for these two Mission Partners this Christmas season.
To donate online visit our Give page and choose the Christmas Offering in the dropdown menu. You can also send checks in to the MVPC office and please write Christmas Offering in the memo. Thank you.